
Home News Tag: Jane Slowey Memorial Bursary

The barriers faced by black renters in the north east of England

By Jessica Nsana / July 15, 2024

Jessica Nsana is a recent graduate from the University of Birmingham’s School of Social Policy, who received the Jane Slowey Memorial Bursary from Commonweal in her final year. My name is Jessica, and I am a very grateful recipient of the Jane Slowey Memorial Bursary for the academic year 2023/24. Receiving this Bursary from Commonweal…

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University of Birmingham students share research delivering critical insights into housing issues and social injustices

By Lauren Aronin / June 4, 2024

Final-year University of Birmingham students awarded the Jane Slowey Bursary Memorial for 23/24 presented their compelling research findings, spanning a broad scope of housing and social policy issues, to Commonweal Housing at a recent University event. The focus of their research included the disadvantages and discrimination faced by Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) renters,…

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Four students investigating housing issues and the cost of living receive grant funding

By Lauren Aronin / January 19, 2024

Four final-year students from the University of Birmingham have been awarded grant funding as part of Commonweal Housing’s Jane Slowey Memorial Bursary to conduct their dissertation research on important housing and social policy issues. The successful 2023/24 recipients are Alice Munson, Jessica Nsana, Ellie Ward and Olivia Glenny. Each student received a grant of £2,500…

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Understanding the lack of adequate social housing provision for the LGBTQ+ community in the United Kingdom

By Talia Knoble-Gershon / August 31, 2023

It was an honour to be one of four from the University of Birmingham to be awarded the Jane Slowey Memorial Bursary, established in honour of an amazing woman who advocated against social injustices in society. The grant money allowed me to concentrate fully on my dissertation and other pieces of work and conduct many…

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The impacts of regeneration on women in the Tower Hamlets

By Grace Hill / July 25, 2023

Grace Hill is a recent graduate from the University of Birmingham’s School of Social Policy, who received the Jane Slowey Memorial Bursary from Commonweal in her final year. The Jane Slowey Memorial Bursary from Commonweal Housing gave me financial freedom. The £2,500 grant money allowed me to devote my time to my studies by drastically…

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Birmingham Uni graduates share research into areas of housing and social injustice affecting marginalised groups

By Lauren Aronin / July 5, 2023

Commonweal Housing recently welcomed this year’s Jane Slowey Memorial Bursary students to share their final-year research findings with Commonweal staff, Trustees and friends. In memory of Commonweal’s late Trustee, Jane Slowey CBE, who sadly passed away in 2017, the charity set up the Jane Slowey Memorial Bursary. The Bursary offers four students from the University…

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