
Home News Category: Report

Care, mental health, and school exclusion: drivers of youth homelessness requiring urgent attention, research says

By Harry Williams / March 21, 2024

Young people who have had experience of the care system, have mental health problems, or have faced serial school exclusion have an increased risk of homelessness, new research shows. These three drivers of youth homelessness were highlighted as being of particular concern and requiring additional attention in a report by the national homelessness membership charity…

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Unsafe and unsuitable standards for families in emergency accommodation, new report shows

By Lauren Aronin / December 4, 2023

A new report by London-based architects Morris+Company, funded by Commonweal Housing, outlines guidance to improve spatial and design standards for emergency accommodation for families with dependent children. The ‘Families in Emergency Accommodation Guidance’ also in collaboration with developers Common Projects and The Magpie Project – a charity supporting mothers and young children in temporary accommodation…

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Scattered housing options leaving survivors of modern slavery at risk of homelessness and re-trafficking, new research shows

By Harry Williams / October 18, 2023

Survivors of modern slavery are at risk of homelessness, destitution or being re-trafficked as a result of an uncoordinated framework and scattered housing options, a new report shows. The research, which was conducted by anti-trafficking charity Human Trafficking Foundation and funded by social justice charity Commonweal Housing, explores the housing options for survivors of human…

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Housing needs of young adult carers must be recognised or risk homelessness, report warns

By Harry Williams / June 5, 2023

Unpaid carers aged 16-25 face potential homelessness unless their housing needs are urgently met in policy, a new report has warned. Awareness of the housing support needs of this cohort, known as young adult carers, is currently low across policy and practice. However, the risk of homelessness among young adult carers is often high and…

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Homes for Ukraine one year on: scheme can be the foundation for better conditions for all migrants

By Harry Williams / March 14, 2023

Homes for Ukraine (HfU), the Government’s hosting scheme developed in response to protecting those fleeing the war in Ukraine, could be used as a basis for similar schemes for a wider range of nationalities. According to the findings of a new study, the centrally developed scheme has been largely successful and has shown that hosting…

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Commonweal funds new research into human trafficking in Ukraine

By Harry Williams / October 4, 2022

Commonweal Housing has provided funding to modern slavery prevention organisation STOP THE TRAFFIK to support its Europe-wide research operation, helping to shine a light on patterns of migration and trafficking for those fleeing the war in Ukraine. The research was conducted via interviews with experts and academics, the findings of which have been targeted at…

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