Home News COVID-19 Commonweal Working Arrangements – a message from our CEO

Ashley Horsey

Ashley is Chief Executive of Commonweal Housing.

COVID-19 Commonweal Working Arrangements – a message from our CEO

Dear friends, colleagues and partners,

Commonweal is seeking to follow the latest Government advice to minimise as much as possible unnecessary travel and facilitate working from home for those staff able to do so.  To this end I am writing to confirm that Commonweal staff will be working remotely from Wednesday 18th March until further notice.  We will continue to monitor Government advice and will keep the situation under review. During this period we are seeking to minimise any face to face meetings other than via facilities such as Skype.

In the meantime staff remain fully contactable via email and via the telephone and are working their normal office hours.  Email will be the best form of contact if at all possible.  However, I hope you will bear with us if our response times are not necessarily as prompt as we would normally seek to achieve.

We have put in place arrangements for appropriate payment of invoices during this period.

We have liaised separately with our various project partners affirming our support for them during this difficult period as they continue their work to house and support some of the most vulnerable and marginalised members of our society.  Along with many charitable funders we are aiming not to be an additional burden to our partners at this time not least ensuring reporting requirements are put on hold or kept to a minimum.

Thank you as always for your support and interest in the work of Commonweal Housing.

Ashley Horsey
Chief Executive

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